PREFIXESPrefixes Meaning Example A Without or absence of Ametria Ab From; away from Abduction Ad To; toward Adduction An Without or absence of Anaerobic Ana Up; again; backward Anaphoresis Ante Before Anteflexion Anti Against Antibacterial Apo Upon Aponeurotic Bi Two Bimanual Bin Two Binary Brady Slow Bradycardia Cata Down Catabatic Con Together Conjugal Contra Against Contraceptive De From; down from; lack of Debride Dia Through; complete Diameter Dis To undo; fre from Dislocate Dys Abnormal Dysplasia Ecto outside; outer Ectocardia Endo Within Endosalpinx Epi On; upon; over Epithelial Eso Inward Esotropia Eu Normal; good Eupepsia Ex Outside; outward Excrete Exo Outside; outward Exophthalmos Extra Outside of; beyond Extracarpal Hemi Half Hemidiaphragam Hyper Above; excessive Hypertension Hypo Below; incomplete; deficient Hypoglycemic In In; into; not Intubate Infra Under; below Infraglottic Inter Between Intercartilaginous Intra Within Intravenous Mal Bad Malabsorption Meso Middle Mesocolon Meta After; beyond; change Metastic Micro Small Micronodular Multi Many Multilobar Neo New Neonatal Nulli None Nulliparous Pan All; total Pancytopenia Para Beside; beyond; around Paranormal Per Through Percutaneous Peri Surrounding (outer) Pericardium Poly Many; much Polyopia Post After Postemryonic Pre Before; in front of Preoperative Pro Before Prodromal Re Back Reflux Retro Back; behind Retrograde Semi Half Semirecumbent Sub Under; below Subcutaneous Super Over; above Superimpose Supra Above Suprascleral Sym Together; joined Symbiotic Syn Together; joined Synergetic Tachy Fast; rapid Tachycardia Tetra Four Tetrameric Trans Through; across; beyond Transurethral Tri Three Trilocular Ultra Beyond; excess Ultrasound Uni One Uniseptate